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Immediate registration

Availability: 12

Event date: 07/10/2024

Location: Grand Hotel Salerno / Fondazione Ebris

Choose an option : Lectures only registration (no anatomical dissection)
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1st annual meeting of Endoscopic Transorbital Society

The endoscopic transorbital approach to skull base surgery is rapidly gaining attention and acceptance in the neurosurgical community. This innovative technique, appealing to pioneering and open-minded skull base surgeons, involves a specific and complex surgical anatomy.

With this background, we are proud to announce the "5th International Hands-on Workshop on ENDOSCOPIC TRANSORBITAL SKULL BASE SURGERY." Following the successful 4th edition in Seoul, Korea, this event represents a continued commitment to advancing knowledge and skills in this cutting-edge field. This year's congress holds special significance as it marks the inauguration of the new Endoscopic TransOrbital Society (ETOS), a dedicated group committed to promoting and developing this technique worldwide. This multidisciplinary course is tailored for a diverse group of specialists, including neurosurgeons, ENT, maxillofacial surgeons, oculoplastic surgeons, and ophthalmologists. Join us in Salerno for a comprehensive exploration of this unique surgical route, featuring expert-led sessions and hands-on experiences.

Dear Members of the Endoscopic Transorbital Society,

As the founding president of the Endoscopic Transorbital Society, it is a great honor to address you. Our society was established to promote the advancement of endoscopic surgical techniques and academic exchange in the skull base region.

Our group was first organized at the 1st course of endoscopic transorbital cadaver course in 2021 in Barcelona, Spain. Famous figures in the field of endoscopic transorbital surgery from all over the world gathered, and we discussed and shared cutting-edge knowledge. Since then, we have organized our transorbital courses in New York (US), Salerno (Italy), and Seoul (Korea). Eventually, we decided to develop and organize our group as a society.

The creation of our society was made possible by the unwavering support and enthusiasm of our highly passionate participants. Their dedication and commitment to the field of endoscopic transorbital surgery have been the driving force behind our success, and we are immensely grateful for their contributions.

I am pleased to announce that the 1st Annual Meeting of the Endoscopic Transorbital Society will be held in Salerno, Italy, from October 7th to 9th. This conference will serve as a platform to share the latest knowledge and experiences in endoscopic surgery of the skull base region.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Matteo De Notaris, the local chair of this meeting, for his dedication and hard work in organizing this event. His efforts have been instrumental in making this meeting possible, and we are truly grateful for his contributions.

One of the highlights of this conference will be the cadaver dissection course, which will provide a more practical and in-depth learning experience. The dissection course will be conducted under the guidance of renowned professors of anatomy from prestigious medical schools around the world. We strongly encourage your interest and participation in this valuable opportunity.

Furthermore, we have invited distinguished speakers who are experts in the skull base field to deliver lectures and lead discussions on various topics. Through these sessions, we hope that our society members will be able to learn about the latest research trends and clinical experiences.

We sincerely hope that the 1st Annual Meeting of the Endoscopic Transorbital Society will greatly contribute to your academic growth, and we look forward to seeing you in Salerno.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Doo-Sik Kong, M.D., Ph.D.
President, Endoscopic Transorbital Society

8 Items


Recommended hotel
Grand Hotel Salerno - Lungomare Tafuri, 1, 84127 Salerno SA For reservations, contact the Secretariat at Deadline is May 20, 2024 The proposed hotel isn't included in the registration fees. It's only a suggestion to facilitate transfers.
- Full Course registration no. 12 places available € 1.500,00 + vat 22% Includes: anatomical dissection, lectures, course materials and all course-related meals.
- Lectures only registration no. 50 places available € 500,00 + vat 22% Includes: lectures, course materials, and all course-related meals.

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